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T-Shirt Contest
Entries now open through March 31 for the 2024 Festival!
Every year we accept designs from the community for the Firebird Festival t-shirt. This year we are holding the t-shirt contest earlier so that you can wear your Firebird gear all summer long!
Contest Timeline
March 1 to March 31 - submissions accepted
April 1 to April 30 - Community voting
May 1 - 2024 official Firebird Festival T-Shirt winner announced
All submissions are property of the Phoenixville Firebird Festival.
Contest Rules
Open to the public! Anyone can submit a design...or two or three.
Submit a .gif, .jpg, or PDF representation (maximum file size 15MB) of your design but please note the final art must be available as a vector image (e.g., EPS, AI, PSD file formats).
No more than three colors total.
Solid colors only. No gradients.
Include the following elements in your design
Phoenixville Firebird Festival
Design for printing on front of t-shirt only (i.e., no two-sided designs will be accepted).
Feel free to update previous submissions.
Be creative and have fun!
Browse through just some of the submissions we've received over the years.